Re: Jruby + glassfish gem

From: Jacob Kessler <Jacob.Kessler_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 14:07:50 -0700

Given the gem list and the error, it looks like you have something
pulling in a C extension (as before), which (as I said before) isn't
supported on Jruby (which means that it working on Ubuntu is a happy
coincidence, not the normal).

It looks like the responsible gem is highline (assuming that you are
using that in your app), and I'd then guess that the reason that it
works on Ubuntu is that you aren't calling anything that requires it to
do things that Jruby can't do.

However, highline (or one of the gems it uses, like rubyInline) probably
looks up the header directory at the beginning rather than on first
invocation. It works on Ubuntu because the header directory is there,
and then it never touches the directory after that. It then doesn't work
on Mac because Mac requires Xcode to find the header directory, and
Xcode looks for Ruby installations, rather than Jruby installations.
Thus, Xcode won't properly set up the header directory for Jruby, and
the check for the header directory will fail.

That's not a solution, though, just a description of what I think that
the problem is. My suggestion would be to try to find the header
directory, figure out where in the Jruby installation it should be, and
copy it over so that the gems can find it. If possible, though, I'd also
try to remove the dependency on gems using C extensions, since there may
well be some functionality that doesn't work. That may not be possible
with highline, though, so you may have to just be careful about the way
you use it. You might also be able to switch to direct Java calls,
depending on what you need it for. wrote:
> In fact I already saw this thread and installed Xcode .... but it didnt resolved my problem ...
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