Hi Marina, thanks for the answer.
This is the only weird message that I got in my logs and my app didn't get
undeployed. I'll check the next days to see the behavior, if that happens
again I'll try to collect more infos so you guys can help me.
On 4/13/09 8:04 PM, "Marina Vatkina" <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM> wrote:
> Are there any other errors in the server.log? If EJB Timer Service is not
> able
> to start, you'll see explicit messages.
> Can it be that your EJB components that use Timer Service got undeployed?
> thanks,
> -marina
> Paulo Cesar Reis wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Im getting some odd errors on my glassfish when I restart the server
>> using CLI commands.
>> I have some EJB components installed that use Timer Service and when my
>> server restart it seems like the scheduled timers donıt run anymore (not
>> sure about that but today the timers were gone.)
>> Follow the error (glassfish says warning but itıs really only a warning
>> log?):
>> [#|2009-04-13T10:06:50.550-0300|WARNING|sun-appserver2.1|javax.enterprise.sys
>> tem.tools.admin|_ThreadID=13;_ThreadName=Thread-12;_RequestID=7d1896f3-a154-4
>> 3db-9abe-d5e8b1c04a36;|java.lang.IllegalArgumentExcepti
>> on: "timers"
>> com.sun.enterprise.management.support.OldTypesBase.oldObjectNameToJ2EEType(Ol
>> dTypesBase.java:153)
>> com.sun.enterprise.management.support.oldconfig.OldProps.<init>(OldProps.java
>> :187)
>> com.sun.enterprise.management.support.LoaderOfOldMonitor.oldToNewObjectName(L
>> oaderOfOldMonitor.java:265)
>> com.sun.enterprise.management.support.LoaderOfOld.syncWithOld(LoaderOfOld.jav
>> a:414)
>> com.sun.enterprise.management.support.Loader._sync(Loader.java:542)
>> com.sun.enterprise.management.support.Loader.sync(Loader.java:516)
>> com.sun.enterprise.management.support.Loader.handleMBeanRegistered(Loader.jav
>> a:220)
>> com.sun.enterprise.management.support.LoaderRegThread.processRegistration(Loa
>> derRegThread.java:184)
>> com.sun.enterprise.management.support.LoaderRegThread.processItem(LoaderRegTh
>> read.java:227)
>> com.sun.enterprise.management.support.LoaderRegThread.processFOREVER(LoaderRe
>> gThread.java:288)
>> com.sun.enterprise.management.support.LoaderRegThread.run(LoaderRegThread.jav
>> a:311)
>> |#]
>> Thanks.
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