A couple of questions from a EJB3 newbie...

From: Morten O. Hansen <>
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 00:16:16 +0200

Hi all

Im trying to wrap my head around EJB3/Glassfish, and have a couple of

1) Im currently using a InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
ctx.lookup(...) to get my beans, but i would like to also connect to this
bean from a remote location, how would i do that? I see that openejb does
something like this but Im not sure if
this directly translates to glassfish? (using com.sun.glassfish or

2) Also, I want to authenticate a remote client (using JAAS), how would i do
something like that? I have only seen examples wrapping the bean client and
service in a ear (the two jars into one ear). But I would like to have to
client remote, and not on the server.
