jms packaging confusion in Glassfish

From: gsarrowood <>
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 10:32:59 -0700 (PDT)

I have developed a client that connects to GF2u2 via JMS. I need to make it
robust regarding disconnects, etc. I came across a sun doc for the MQ4.1
which according to the glassfish docs, was the MQ that was included in GF.
My confusion is this: normal includes are jmx.jms.Connection. Using the
event listener refered to in the docs which notifies me of JMS startup,
shutdown, reconnects, etc, require me to replace this Connection with
com.sun.messaging.jms.Connection. Its my understanding that "java.*" and
"javax.*" are 'standard' while any "com.<vendor>.*" package is not really
part of the standard jdk an may go away or be migrated into the standard at
a later date. So, I guess my question is, is my assumption correct? Is it
safe to use the com.sun.* connections (and other related objects) in my app?
Thanks for any comments.
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