OpenMQ 4.3 issues still, downgrade possible?

From: Alex Sherwin <>
Date: Wed, 01 Apr 2009 14:56:57 -0400

I've posted previously about bad performance of OpenMQ 4.3 since
glassfish 2.1 came out. I've never had these issues with the previous
version of OpenMQ bundled with glassfish v2ur2.

Basically I see this most often when I re-deploy an EAR that contains an
EJB-JAR with 3 MDBs (initial pool size of 25 each). I've tried this
with larger and smaller pool sizes etc, and it always happens regardless.

When it begins to occur, all MDB's seemingly just wait to process a
message for 30 seconds or so (no java processes in app server or imq are
doing anything at all.) Then it will begin processing the message.

This slowdown is per message. I.E. If i throw in 10 messages, all 10
will wait ~ 30 seconds, then all process. If I stagger them for ~ 5
seconds inbetween, they are processed similarly 5 seconds apart.

I can switch to glassfish v2ur2 with the exact same EAR and never see
this behavior.

Is is possible to downgrade the OpenMQ binaries in 2.1? There are other
bug fixes in glassfish v2.1 that we are relying on.