RE: information.

From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2009 20:49:16 -0400

not a problem
there are many things you have to do to build a war which is robust to deploy on appserv
The best thing do is break your project apart to jsp files/configuration files(.properties/.xml) and servlet/ActionClass
compile all of these and package your war

Fell free to ping back if you have any specific questions..

Viel Gluck,
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> Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 00:41:14 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: information.
> 2009/4/4 Martin Gainty <>:
> > I did'nt see a specific question so i thought you might be evaluating MVC
> > frameworks
> Scuse me, my english is very bad.
> I have a simple jruby on rails application and I want to deploy and
> run it under glassfish or tomcat.
> I've created a war file with warbler and I've deployed that file under
> glassfish v3 prelude.
> My problem is that the application doesn't work.
> I have to use only warbler or goldspike too to create the war file?
> I don't undestand where I go wrong.
> Is there someone that work with jruby on rails to help me in deploying
> and running an application under glassfish?
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