Catching Database contraint violations within EJBs

From: <>
Date: Fri, 03 Apr 2009 03:52:33 PDT

Good day all,

I have been having an issue for a long time now.
When I try to insert an entity with the entityManger.persiste(), and there is an underlying constraint violation in the database table. I get an exception that I am always not able to catch. I mean for example

}catch (Exception ex){

I don't know why control doesn't enter my catch block. Instead, a TransactionRolledBackException or EJBException is thrown and client application often don't deal with this. I found out that the Exceptions thrown are RuntimeException, but RuntimeException is a subclass of Exception, so I assume it should have enter the catch block.

1. What could be wrong with this style of coding?
2. It is advisable to catch a Throwable within my EJBs?

What else could be done.
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