Re: Database connection in GlassFish server

From: <>
Date: Fri, 03 Apr 2009 03:24:13 PDT


I finally found out what my flaw is. The flaw is neither with my java code nor with the GlassFish. The flaw is my application deployment descriptor(web.xml)
When working with Tomcat, I didn't create the following but application still works fine

But with GlassFish we need to create resource-reference tag in web.xml. Since this tag is not there in web.xml, I was unable to connect to database.
Which ever code I use for connection object, it works fine
Context i = new InitialContext();
Context e = (Context) i.lookup("java:/comp/env");
DataSource d = (DataSource) e.lookup("jdbc/myapp");
con = (Connection)d.getConnection();
Context i = new InitialContext();
DataSource d = (DataSource) i.lookup("jdbc/myapp"); //If I use this part of code in Tomcat, I get Object not bound error. I have to either use the above or below code to make it up.
con = (Connection)d.getConnection();
Context i = new InitialContext();
d = (DataSource) i.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/myapp");
con = (Connection)d.getConnection();

Thanks Shalini for your inputs. Both my connection pool name and resource name is jdbc/myapp.
One more useful link I found out which was handy

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