Problem accessing remote glassfish (CORBA problem)

From: <>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 08:58:47 PDT

Hi all,
we have an interesting problem. At any time, during my tests, creating initial context or lookup operation may takes too many times like 5 or 6 minutes. I changed CORBA log level to FINEST but there wasn't any exception while waiting. I captured GIOP messages during tests and found that, client sends a "_is_a" request to the remote glassfish, but server doesn't reply it immediately! At that time, there is not any log at the server.log file. I also declared remote machine's dns name to client's /etc/hosts file. after a waiting period, server replies "_is_a" request with "location forward" message and then everything is OK. I can't identify problem correctly. May be it is a glassfish bug or machine specific or network specific problem and it is not stable!

My gf version is v2.1.

when client sent a GIOP _is_a request, i saw only this line at the server.log:

[#|2009-03-20T16:21:59.576+0200|FINE|sun-glassfish-comms-server1.5|javax.enterprise.resource.corba|_ThreadID=28;_ThreadName=p: thread-pool-1; w: 1;ClassNam e=com.sun.enterprise.iiop.IIOPSSLSocketFactory;MethodName=setAcceptedSocketOptions;_RequestID=ca1c385d-d9c9-4722-8236-2967b6fe1c84;|setAcceptedSocketOption s: SocketOrChannelAcceptorImpl[[/] IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT true true] ServerSocket[addr=/,localport=33700] So cket[addr=/,port=4890,localport=33700]|#]
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