Re: entity relation

From: Paulo Cesar Silva Reis <>
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 23:10:36 -0300


Try to do something like:

@SequenceGenerator(name=" SQ_ORDERS",sequenceName=" SQ_ORDERS",
initialValue=1, allocationSize=1) public class Orderent implements
Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO , generator="SQ_ORDERS" )
    private Long ordID;

On 3/19/09 10:43 PM, "Eve Pokua" <> wrote:

> Hi,
> everyone,
> please read the following and let me know if I am on the right track.
> I've entities-
> Iteams
> Customer
> Order
> Orderline
> The Orderline breaks down the many-to many relationship for order and Iteams.
> Now, I do remember creating the tables before I normalised them, the system
> would
> create an extra table(which I did not specified) for Iteams and Order. So it
> would
> insert the id (s) of Iteams and Order everytime it was created.
> The Orderline has fields -
> orderid
> itemid
> cusid
> qauntity.
> If i move the fields back into Order and create the many-to-many relationship
> between Order and Iteams, then the system will many it for me. Is this the
> best way to manage an application like this or should I stick to my
> normalisation
> as mentioned above.
> Also, I would like the DB to generate the id fields automatically, so in my
> entities,
> I've specified as-
> @Entity
> @Table(name="ORDERS")
> public class Orderent implements Serializable {
> private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
> @Id
> @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
> private Long ordID;
> .....
> But the DB keeps asking for id when i enter new dada. Now, how do I manage a
> situation
> like this?
> I'd appreciate any suggestions. Thanks
> eve
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