Glassfish dont stop

From: <>
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 07:04:58 PDT

Hi people,

I'm using the Netbeans-glassfish integration, to debug, etc. Sometimes, after using, the remote lookup stop to work, launching "CORBA- OBJECT_NOT_EXISTS" or something like that, but is not the main problem. The worst is sometimes i also cant stop the glassfish, i try do it by netbeans, but when show the messages "stopping server on <port>", stop on the last port and the server continues running without stop.

My way to stop it is stopping the java processes in process manager of my windows xp, i know its not the best way... Anybody have information about how to stop this process by netbeans, if something possibly can hold the instance (not allowing to stop)..

I suspect about a component that is running native code, calling COM+ components, (I'm using JACOB library to do it), anybody have information about some issue using native code or this library, how it work with the sun app server, if can cause any issue.


[Message sent by forum member 'fredrischter' (fredrischter)]