Re: Creating a keystore and truststore for a web service

From: <>
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 01:42:18 PDT

Ok, I've established that the problem lies in the server keystore creation. I used the default keystore, exported the cert the same way as mentioned above and created the truststore also as above. I pointed my client at the new truststore and it works. As such the problem must lie in this statement.

keytool -genkeypair -alias xws-security-server -keysize 1024 -keyalg RSA -keystore server.jks -storepass changeit -dname "CN=xws-security-server, OU=test, O=test, L=test, S=test, C=test"

I'm upgrading my jdk to 1.6.12 as soon as gentoo lets me but I'm not sure that'll fix the problem. Any more ideas?
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