Re: [Problem]Spring In Glassfish

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 06 Mar 2009 16:35:52 -0800

Hi Mike,

It is good to hear from you and thanks for testing Spring in GlassFish.

"So, My problem is that trouble with SecurityManagement has been fixed ?
However, I have not seen more fixed info." I wonder if you know the bug
id or can give us what kind error you see, so we know how to help you.

Thanks and have a good weekend :-)

Tang Yong wrote:
> Hello Judy Tang, Dochez, Vkraemer,
> Cc:Dies Koper,
> I have a problem about "Spring In Glassfish".
> To be exactly said, I want to confirm the problem.
> Let me describe the background of the problem in details.
> [Background]
> I am doing some investigation about using Spring in Glassfish.
> I am using Glassfish V2.1 b60e and Spring 2.5.5.
> I have found some materials about Spring In Glassfish(also Hibernate),as follows:
> 1 "Spring and Hibernate in GlassFish"
> 2 "Equinox Hibernate Spring GlassFish"
> 3 "Can't run Spring and Hibernate applications on Glassfish"
> Above the three materials, I found that using Spring in glassfish maybe get in the trouble with SecurityManagement.
> So, I am plan to try it on Glassfish V2.1 b60 rather than b35 refered in the Matt(
> [Problem]
> I do a small web application sample using spring with servlet.
> The result is that running the web sample has not met the trouble with SecurityManagement,
> whether I cobundle the spring.jar with the war file or place the spring.jar into ${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/domains/domain1/lib/.
> So, My problem is that trouble with SecurityManagement has been fixed?
> However, I have not seen more fixed info.
> Maybe, My testing scenary is not correct with the one that Matt/Dochez/Vkraemer refered to.
> Finally, I eagerly want to get your reply and get some more materials about the noting when using spring in glassfish.
> Regrard,Thanks!
> ----Mike Tang
> ----Spring Fans,Glassfish Fans.