java-home in domain.xml - error with reading space in "Program Files"

From: <>
Date: Wed, 04 Mar 2009 16:22:18 PST

Hi All,

I just installed glassfish server with tools (and netbeans 6.5) yesterday on win 2000 server and domain1 is not running. The command [b]asadmin verify-domain-xml[/b] showed that there was a problem with the java installation directory owing to a space between Program and Files.

Is there a workaround to deal with spaces in the jdk installation directory?
Below, there are two results of the verify-domain-xml with the java home
directory with a space between Program and Files and quotes

1. set [b]AS_JAVA=E:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_12 [/b] (original line from asenv.bat

C:\Sun\AppServer\bin>asadmin verify-domain-xml --verbose --echo
verify-domain-xml --verbose=true --echo=true --terse=false

Element : java-config
Error : ADMVAL1022: '[Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_12/lib/ext;E:/Program, Files/Java/j
db/lib]' is invalid JVM option. Options must start with - (dash).

Command verify-domain-xml executed successfully.

2. set [b]AS_JAVA=E:\Progra"m F"iles\Java\jdk1.6.0_12[/b] (modified)

C:\Sun\AppServer\bin>asadmin verify-domain-xml --verbose --echo
verify-domain-xml --verbose=true --echo=true --terse=false
Element : java-config
Error : ADMVAL1016: Warning : (java-home=E:/Progra""m F""iles/Java/jdk1.6.0_1
2), JDK does not exists in java home
           ADMVAL1022: '[F""iles/Java/jdk1.6.0_12/lib/ext;E:/Progra""m, F""iles/
r/javadb/lib]' is invalid JVM option. Options must start with - (dash).

Command verify-domain-xml executed successfully.

I would really appreciate your help.


[Message sent by forum member 'dlauren' (dlauren)]