New Idea for OSGi and JWS based Rich Internet Client

From: Miroslav Nachev <>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 12:00:40 +0300

After many years on the market the success of the combination of DHTML & JavaScript is not so convinced. For example many Insurance Companies, Banks, etc. already are replaced their DHTML/JavaScript Clients with Adobe Flex (over 100 million installations) technology.
The question is what is the Adobe Flex technology? This is a new better implementation of one old technology which exists in Java from many years: Java Web Start (JNLP) + Swing. So, my idea is to start new open source project which to implement better the same old idea:
- OSGi based client (Felix or/and Equinox);
- All kind of authentication (Login/Logout/Registration) mechanisms and forms: Username/Password and/or Certificate based (file, smart card), etc. to be integrated in the client;
- The rest forms (OSGi Bundles) required from the application depends of the user role and should be downloaded after the authentication. For that OSGi Bundle Repository can be used. If I am not wrong the Apache OBR is the RI.
- If the client will need of full access to the client computer resources, then all bundles should be signed. Similar to JWS specification.

This standardized client will ensure a standard way for application starting and deployment. The communication with the server side can be Web Services, RMI/CORBA, etc.

Now in the Java EE are specified 2 types of Application Clients:
Also, I try to use NetBeans as Application platform but this is not possible because NetBeans is not OSGi based. For comparison Eclipse RCP offers very well defined specification for Rich Client Platform.

I am not so sure what will be better for the UI: Swing/SwingX or JavaFX?
