FW: How to find out who is in a particular role?

From: Markus Karg <>
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 14:00:45 +0100

How to find out who is in a particular role?


Our Java EE application allows users to select user, e. g. for each data row recorded an "owner" can be set. This works pretty well since "owner" is an entity, and we asked all customers to have identical names for "owners" and GlassFish user accounts.


Now some customers have asked for another feature: The selection of possible "owners" shall get filtered, and only contain those "owners" that have a particular Java EE role ("Owner"-Role).


We already discussed that there is no Java EE 5 compliant way to get such a list of "Role-Filtered" principals, but maybe there is a GlassFish way to do it? If any possible, the solution should be independent of the applied realm type and work with both, JDBCRealm and FileRealm, as our customers are free to use any realm type they want to.


Thanks a lot!




Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Markus Karg

Leiter Implementierung & Design







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