"poison messages" are container issue ?

From: Felipe Gaúcho <>
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 09:14:24 +0100

Hi there,

just wondering if a container should or shouldn't provide features to
handle "poison messages" - the classical problem where a message
causes an exception in the server code, it is redelivered and then
causes the exception again.. a deadlock that may cause a lot of

I know: it is responsability of the team to code the system in a way
to avoid such scenario or - even better - to create a robust software.

but, it is so frequent reported that I started to imagine a "dream
feature" like: "if the message is redelivered more than n-times, stop
the cycle and trigger a notification..."

if such feature already exists, great, just tell me where.. otherwise,
do you think it deserve a feature request ? (or perhaps to be included
in the specification some day?)

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