Presentation on GlassFish Mobility Platform at 11am PT today

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 10:06:58 -0800

Today's (US Thu, 11am PT) Webinar is on the new GlassFish Mobility
Platform. The presenter is the engineering lead, Hans Hrasna.

The GF Mobility Platform is a platform for developing mobile
applications using a combination of Java technologies and Open Mobile
Alliance (OMA) industry standards. It leverages GlassFish, MySQL,m
OpenESB, JavaCAPS and other components and can be used to write
applications that security deliver different types of content to mobile
devices, supporting synchornization with the devices.

The platform is device and carrier agnostic. The content made
accessible includes Enterprises Apps (Siebel, Oracle, SAP), Consumer
Apps (Twitter, Facebook) and PIM (email, calnedar, address book).

This is a free, online, presentation. The presentation will be recorded
and made available later for replays.

Speakers: Hans Hrasna

Presentation Date/Time:
  Thu, Feb 19, 11amPT. Other TZs [1]

Online at:

Concall for Speakers (others, please mute with *6)
  Toll Free: (866) 545-5227
  Int'l Access: (215) 446-3648 (caller paid)
  Access Code: 3535518

Additional details at [2]: