Today's Webinar GlassFish ASadmin

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 07:41:14 -0800

Reminder that today (US Thu, 11am PT) we will have this webinar

ASAdmin - The Hidden Gem in GlassFish

ASadmin, the CLI admin for GlassFish, is critical for automation of many
tasks but it also provides a number of user-centric features (I use
'closest match' all the time). Jane Young and Kedar Mhasawade will
present the features of AS in GF v2 as well as the plans in GF v3. Time
and speakers permitting we will also have a panel discussion with Dick
Davies and Dan Allen.

This is a free, online, presentation. The presentation will be recorded
and made available later for replays.

Speakers: Jane Young and Kedar Mhasawade. Dick Davies and Dan Allen
will participate in panel discussion.

Presentation Date/Time:
  Thu, Feb 12, 11amPT. Other TZs[3]

Online at:

Concall for Speakers (others, please mute with *6)
  Toll Free: (866) 545-5227
  Int'l Access: (215) 446-3648 (caller paid)
  Access Code: 3535518

Additional details at[4]: