Re: how to configure host name for my own domain?

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2009 09:19:02 -0800

On 02/09/09 23:09, sonali_india wrote:
> hello,
> i have created a my own domain for my application using create-domain
> command. just like the default domain1.
> the http service runs on 9080 port. i type my url like
> http://localhost:9080/MyApplication/index.jsp.
> And it runs fine.
> i want to configure my own host name instead of localhost. how can i do it?
> is there any command?

You can configure any number of host (alias) names (as a comma-separated
under the "hosts" attribute of a virtual-server. You can update this
attribute through
the admin-gui or the CLI.

No server restart will be necessary in order for the new host names to
take effect.


> please reply.
> thank you.