Unable to start node agent

From: <>
Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2009 09:21:49 PST

Running Sun Glassfish Enterprise Server 2,1, JDK 1.6.0_04 and SUSE Linux 10.1.

I am having problems with creating and starting a node agent on a different physical machine from the domain server. I create a place holder in the admin console and it says waiting for rendezvous. I create the node agent using this command:

appadmin_at_qhomidsrv05:/opt/SUN/SUNAppSrv/bin> ./asadmin create-node-agent --host qhomidsrv04 --port 4848 --secure qhomidsrv05

After that is shows as stopped in the admin console. Then I go to start the node agent and it errors out unable to start. Anyone have any ideas? the command line interaction along with the error is below. Thank you:

appadmin_at_qhomidsrv05:/opt/SUN/SUNAppSrv/bin> ./asadmin start-node-agent qhomidsrv05
Please enter the admin user name>admin
Please enter the admin password>
Please enter the master password [Enter to accept the default]:>
Redirecting output to /opt/SUN/SUNAppSrv/nodeagents/qhomidsrv05/agent/logs/server.log
Redirecting application output to /opt/SUN/SUNAppSrv/nodeagents/qhomidsrv05/agent/logs/server.log
  Version: V3
  Subject:, OU=Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server, O=Sun Microsystems, L=Santa Clara, ST=California, C=US
  Signature Algorithm: MD5withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.4

  Key: Sun RSA public key, 1024 bits
  modulus: 1199660594045092340671281413871878135586692034919727499646783096567150261339946226997448006088965102068809496499819539962660469061830155 867580297316164668064242337500234012947229442926003678892066701725690772722924947110314022831287446226355535292935177296382644757912693266709170395 27961749459443913684832883
  public exponent: 65537
  Validity: [From: Mon Feb 09 08:38:49 CST 2009,
               To: Sat Feb 09 08:38:49 CST 2019]
  Issuer:, OU=Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server, O=Sun Microsystems, L=Santa Clara, ST=California, C=US
  SerialNumber: [ 8c4faa85]

  Algorithm: [MD5withRSA]
0000: 52 B0 20 27 05 E5 2D 0A F9 ED 5B 6D B3 C3 B0 97 R. '..-...[m....
0010: 5B B1 43 C6 B4 25 B1 FA 15 5C 86 C9 7A 07 BF FE [.C..%...\..z...
0020: 03 9C FA 82 94 B8 EB 94 DA 44 B4 34 BA E9 4B 5F .........D.4..K_
0030: 4E B1 1F 92 B1 97 9C CE D7 C4 6E D1 0E 32 96 BC N.........n..2..
0040: 70 BD 6A 7C 08 A2 7C 76 A8 80 53 2C 66 6D 58 CA p.j....v..S,fmX.
0050: 9F FD FE AA 39 D2 9D 16 5C 8D 0A DF 8A B7 FF 75 ....9...\......u
0060: 96 82 14 8E 4E 35 AE 68 2B E1 D4 F4 AA 97 E7 4A ....N5.h+......J
0070: B9 E4 74 7C 7B 1E 5D D0 7A 72 95 3A BC FA 58 0C ..t...].zr.:..X.

Do you trust the above certificate [y|n] -->y
Node Agent qhomidsrv05 failed to startup. Please check the server log for more details.
CLI137 Command start-node-agent failed.
appadmin_at_qhomidsrv05:/opt/SUN/SUNAppSrv/bin> y
-bash: y: command not found
[Message sent by forum member 'sbeard' (sbeard)]