GFv3 Simplified EJB deployment problem

From: <>
Date: Sun, 01 Feb 2009 07:53:36 PST

I am trying out the simplified EJB deployment that is described at these sites:

I use GFv3 prelude, updated to the latest and greatest, and installed the EJB container. I used the example in the second blog because the first blog doesn't discuss entity beans.

The directory structure is simply

web pages
--the annotated managed bean, session bean, and entity classes

It doesn't work. I get the following error message that is only too familiar from the bad old days:

message: Exception while deploying the app : java.lang.RuntimeExceptio
 n: Invalid ejb jar [CRUD-GFv3]: it contains zero ejb.
1. A va
 lid ejb jar requires at least one session, entity (1.x/2.x style), or
  message driven bean.
2. EJB3+ entity beans (@Entity) are POJOs and
 please package them as library jar.
3. If the jar file contains vali
 d EJBs which are annotated with EJB component level annotations (@Sta
 teless, @Stateful, @MessageDriven), please check server.log to see wh
 ether the annotations were processed properly.
exit-code: FAILURE

As always, that error message could be stated more concisely as "I don't like your face."

If anyone has a WAR file with at least one EJB entity that works with simplified deployment, I'd be much obliged.


[Message sent by forum member 'cayhorstmann' (cayhorstmann)]