Re: Please review and comment on the GlassFish v3 deployment one-pager

From: <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 11:31:59 PST

> This is a question about what isn't in the
> one-pager...

In general, the deployment one-pager would only list things we commit to deliver in the corresponding release. In next release of v3 (JavaEE6 release), we will be mostly focusing on implementing JavaEE6 related requirements and would not have much time for new features. Most of the new features will come in the final release of v3. And of course, as usual, because of the resource and time constraint, not all the requested features will be delivered. We will evaluate the requests and decide which features to deliver.

> I had heard that there was going to be support for
> the 'directory deployment' of enterprise applications
> where the component modules were not siblings in a
> single directory...
> Did that idea get dropped?

Now, specifically about this feature:
No, we did not forget about this request. And we are not sure whether we will be able to get this feature in for v3 JavaEE6 release. The basic support for ear is now being worked on (which is a must go-in thing for JavaEE6) and we are not sure how much time we would have left afterwards. Though from the conversation with Jerome, this is something we should be able to support fairly easily once the ear support comes in. We will keep you updated on the status of this (please file a RFE for this if there is not already one opened for it).

> Will it be possible to 'redeploy' a single component
> of an enterprise app... instead of redeploying the
> complete ent app?

Now for this one, it will be fairly difficult to support due to classloading issue and other things. Also even if we can make the classloader work for this, most likely we can only support the redeploying of the web module and not ejb module. As most likely, web module would have references to EJBs inside ejb module, and a reloading of the ejb module would require the web module to be reloaded also.

- Hong
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