> Is there a firewall between your AS machine and
> Oracle? If so does it drop idle connections? If so
> set the idle timeout of the pool to be less than the
> firewall timeout.
Were this the case it would not even work with quick start turned off. Anyways, it isn't an idle connection. Without that particular property set to false it can't even make the connection using DataSource. With it set to false it can make them every time.
> Turning on connection validation is also recommended.
> With Oracle you have to use the table-based
> mechanism as auto-commit and the DB metadata options
> aren't reliable with the Oracle JDBC driver.... DUAL
> is the obvious table to use in Oracle.
I haven't had any problems with that yet, but I'll take your word for it. Either way it is a fast thing to check either select 1 from dual where 1 = 0 or select * from sometable where 1 = 0 ... something along those lines.
For the main issue though there is defniitely a bug some where holding monitors per that information I provided. Obviously it was a similar cause for the issue that led me to a resolution; especially since not using that logic by setting it to false allows it to work.
[Message sent by forum member 'wadechandler' (wadechandler)]