I am getting an odd error message in the server.log for Glassfish 8.2:
[#|2009-01-09T11:33:45.750+1300|SEVERE|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WebModule[/telecom_dsm]Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'SunriseESBEndpoint'|#]
First, the message is benign. The app works fine. But the customer is going to ask me about this severe error (probably more than once).
The message looks like it comes from Spring but I suspect it is not that simple. I've done some searching and I see that other people get a similar message on level INFO, so I think something is messing with the level somehow.
Also, there should not be any Spring messages in the server.log for this application. The entire app is using either commons logging or slf4j, routing through log4j. All the other messages from this app are successfully going to the log4j file, including those from Spring. So I'm baffled as to why this one doesn't. Actually there are about 5 similar messages, they relate to 5 application contexts loaded by specifying them in web.xml.
Just to round this off, to get the logging working I copied my log4j.xml into <domaindir>/lib/classes and my log4j and slf4j jars into <domaindir>/lib/ext, and that does get everything else, just not those severe Spring ones. I tried adding an entry to my log4j.xml file to catch messages from javax.enterprise.system.container.web but they still went to the JUL log. This suggests the classloader is doing something I don't understand.
[Message sent by forum member 'mrkimi' (mrkimi)]