Hi Jan!
Read your answer carefully and agree to your argument that two properties are redundant - only IF glassfish should support EITHER cookies OR URL Rewriting.
But in my opinion glassfish could and should support BOTH behaviors in parallel as well as let the dev opt for either or. My case is a current webapp where some client browsers MAY deny cookies while others will accept them.
Currently I cant serve both clients but rather have to decide A) to choose the common denominator - url rewriting - which works for both client browsers OR B) work with cookies and deny service to not-accepting clients, telling them to enable cookies.
I did not dig into the specs for j2ee server session tracking behavior but otherwise stated i do not see a reason why "BOTH behaviors in parallel" should not be possible. A hint to this, contrary to your opinion, is that currently TWO properties are specified in session manager properties. On the other side i do wonder why since nearly one year nobody has objected, or at least unit-tested, what i am suspecting, to be a bug.
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