Import/Install SSL Certificate into Sun One 8

From: <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 06:53:45 PST

I have applications running that communicate with external sites ... one client wishes to use SSL. Right now I am getting the following error:
[15:31:45,197] [2267] [Invoker] [ No trusted certificate found]

They have provided me with the .cer file to import. I first ran the following command:
[i]keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias UTNaddtrust -file /export/home/asadmin/SSLCert.cer -keystore /export/home/asadmin/.keystore/domain.keystore [/i]
but I don't believe it has any way to communicate with the Application Server

So I tried this:
/opt/SUNWappserver/lib/certutil -d . -A -n testCert -t C,C,C -i ~/SSLCert.cer

And I don't think that will function either.

Is there a simple way to import a .cer SSL cert file into SunONE so the applications don't error out?
[Message sent by forum member 'jvermast' (jvermast)]