Re: How to shut up GlassFish being too smart (JPA + Spring)?

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 12:36:55 -0500

I forgot a crucial piece of configuration. To use the JNDI persistence
unit in Spring's configs, you must add the following to web.xml :


Ryan de Laplante wrote:
> I've been through this recently. There are two approaches to this
> problem:
> 1) Make Spring manage everything. Spring will be the entity manager
> factory. Spring will manage transactions with Jpa's local transaction
> manager. Spring will manage the DataSource, etc. You will need to
> use spring-agent.jar in JVM options when starting GlassFish, use load
> time weaving, and have a ton of Spring XML configuration. This is
> suitable for bare bones servlet containers like Tomcat.
> 2) Integrate Spring with the existing infrastructure. Let GlassFish
> be the entity manager factory, let GlassFish manage transactions, let
> GlassFish use JTA transaction manager, let GlassFish be in charge of
> the DataSource, etc. This requires minimal configuration in Spring,
> and no headaches.
> in persistence.xml :
> <persistence-unit name="MyPU" transaction-type="JTA">
> <jta-data-source>jdbc/myDataSource</jta-data-source>
> <class></class>
> <class></class>
> <class></class>
> <class></class>
> <exclude-unlisted-classes>true</exclude-unlisted-classes>
> <properties>
> <property name="toplink.logging.level.sql" value="INFO"/>
> <property name="toplink.cache.shared.default" value="false"/>
> <property name="toplink.cache.shared.Model1" value="true"/>
> <property name="toplink.cache.shared.Model3" value="true"/>
> </properties>
> </persistence-unit>
> Note that I specified a JNDI datasource which must exist in
> GlassFish. Next, you only need the following configuration in
> Spring's applicationContext.xml to make it work:
> <bean
> class=""
> >
> <property name="persistenceUnits">
> <map>
> <entry key="MyPU" value="persistence/MyPU"/>
> </map>
> </property>
> </bean>
> <tx:jta-transaction-manager/>
> <tx:annotation-driven/>
> GlassFish (and maybe all Java EE 5 app servers?) exports JPA
> persistence units in JNDI as "persistence/{PUname}", so we tell Spring
> that any time it sees a @PersistenceContext or @PersistenceUnit
> annotation, get the EntityManager or EntityManagerFactory from
> GlassFish. Spring's @Transactional annotation will work with this setup.
> I have multiple persistent units, and I simply added additional map
> entry lines in Spring config to be able to use them.
> You can also add a <property name="defaultPersistenceUnitName"
> value="MyPU"/> line to the configs.
> Ryan
> wrote:
>> Okey...
>> I want Glassfish to manage stuff, but NOT my persistence unit stuff,
>> which I want to do Spring way. Now I have my class annotated...
>> @PersistenceContext
>> public void setEntityManager(EntityManager entityManager) {
>> this.entityManager = entityManager;
>> }
>> PU is
>> <persistence-unit name="WebStorePU">
>> <provider>org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence</provider>
>> ...
>> Sprig ApplicationContxt
>> <bean id="entityManagerFactory"
>> class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean">
>> <property name="dataSource" ref="webStoreDataSource"/>
>> <property name="loadTimeWeaver">
>> <bean
>> class="org.springframework.instrument.classloading.InstrumentationLoadTimeWeaver"/>
>> </property>
>> </bean>
>> <bean id="webStoreDao"
>> class="org.objectmaster.webstore.dao.WebStoreDao"/>
>> GlassFish is too smart and finds persistence unit and registers it to
>> itself?
>> WHERE? It does not appear under JNDI tree, so I can't access it in
>> spring through JNDI
>> Better choice would be for me to have this PU file named somehow
>> different so GlassFish does not tries to be too smart, but it IS too
>> smart, as it notcies that my classes are annotated with
>> PersistenceContext and tries to find PU and fails... How to disable
>> this stuff, how to make GlassFish not to do what I don't want to
>> do... or if it does, then how to make it do as normal ppl do...
>> [Message sent by forum member 'janis_olekss' (janis_olekss)]
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