asadmin changes in v2.1 effect return status of some commands?

From: Alex Sherwin <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 15:05:34 -0500

We've got some custom Java classes that wrap the asadmin executable and
are used to install and configure domains for our distributions in an
distributable JAR.

Previously, the only asadmin command that did not return normally was
"start-domain", which was OK... we just slept for 30 seconds to ensure
the domain started up before proceeding.

However, now it appears that "create-domain" no longer returns with a
normal exit status either. IE "p.waitFor();" where p is a Process
Object never returns.

Again, we can simply not wait for this command and sleep for X amount of
time... but is there a specific reason why some asadmin commands simply
do not return normally?