Hosting multiple instances using different databases

From: Markus Karg <>
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2008 10:40:32 +0100

I have the following problem:


Our customer is running a GFv2 domain with an EAR. The ear contains EJB-JARs, custom RARs and standalone Swing clients.


Now the customer says, that department X shall use a different database than department Y.


So we can install two hardware servers, each running its own GF domain. This is what we already are able to do.


But the customer wants to have one single GF hardware, so I came up with two ideas:


(1) Running two instances of GF on different TCP ports. We should be able to do this without problems.


(2) Running one instance of GF that runs two domains. Is that possible? And can both domains run the same application with different databases? The problem I see is that the custom RARs need to access different databases. Will that work? And is there a tutorial how to set up that?






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