glassfish memory leak? ConcurrentLinkedQueue

From: <>
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2008 15:10:13 PST

I completed a test two days ago and generated class histograms. vmstat shows that I have only 131MB free out of 8GB. Letting the server sit idle for over 48 hours and forcing GCs, only a few classes remain. The class with the most instances "hanging around" is java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue$Node -- 1573472 instances. GC looks excellent in VisualGC, so I'm suspecting a leak in the native code for glassfish or even java. Anybody already heard of problems in this area? I'll file a bug if not. I've attached a file with diffs for my class histogram output. short snip here:
SIZE(bytes) Counts
53737024 java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue$Node Before: 105810 After: 1679282 Diff: 1573472
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