Re: Why is glassfish looking in docroot for my jspx file?

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 19:29:35 +0100

How is (are) your servlet(s) declared? Can you share your web.xml?
docroot is for static content.

On Dec 24, 2008, at 20:25, wrote:

> I am finding, running my jsf page in glassfish a bit of a bother.
> All these ubiquitous 'hello world' examples on the Internet are like
> a new car advert on the telly--new roads, no traffic except you, car
> and your dame. Time to ban all "Hello World" programs. Sorry, I
> digress; the problem is that it is far more complex as I am finding
> out.
> I have successfully deployed my xxx.ears which contains the
> following modules:
> entities.jar
> xxx-ejb.jar
> xxx.web.war
> And I have a 'xxx.ear_deployed' ticket—in a manner of speaking-- to
> prove it. Even the server.log says:
> “#|2008-12-24T18:33:33.809+0000|INFO|sun-appserver2.1|
> _ThreadID=15;_ThreadName=Timer-11;|[AutoDeploy] Autodeployed”
> Next I sat up for the next stage, namely, type:
> http://localhost:8080/xxx-web/pages/auth/new.jspx in firefox (and
> then in Opera for second opinion)
> but all to no avail. Glassfish responds:
> [#|2008-12-24T17:04:39.107+0000|SEVERE|sun-appserver2.1|
> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet|
> _ThreadID
> =16;_ThreadName=httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-0;_RequestID=1772cc60-
> fa48-4479-8636-b16298b3aa73;|PWC6117: File "/path to.../ glassfish/
> domains/domain1/[b]docroot[/b]/xxx-web/pages/autho/new.jspx" not
> found|#
> My question is why is glassfish looking for my 'news.jspx' in
> docroot (sigh!). I am not familiar with the docroot thingy.
> I am a seasoned but ex JBossAS user and very tempted to try JBoss 5
> but switching tools or introducing a new one in the middle of a
> project is a NO NO for me. My friends, what am I doing wrong or not
> doing right?
> Dev. environment:
> Linux (Centos 5.x)
> Eclipse 3.4
> Glassfish 2.1
> Myfaces 1.2.5
> Trinidad 1.2.9
> [Message sent by forum member 'nuffsaidx' (nuffsaidx)]
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