Re: Problem deploying a rails app with glassfish

From: <>
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2008 07:26:31 PST


I run in the same problems with roughly the same setup (trying to run Merb). I was wondering whether it had something to do with the fact that my server is 64bit?

System: Debian
Java: sun-java6-jdk

Installed gems:
$ jruby -S gem list

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

abstract (1.0.0)
addressable (2.0.0)
data_objects (0.9.9)
diff-lcs (1.1.2)
dm-core (0.9.7)
dm-migrations (0.9.7)
erubis (2.6.2)
extlib (0.9.8)
glassfish (0.9.0)
haml (2.0.5)
highline (1.5.0)
json_pure (1.1.3)
mailfactory (1.4.0)
merb-action-args (1.0.3)
merb-assets (1.0.3)
merb-auth (1.0.3)
merb-auth-core (1.0.3)
merb-auth-more (1.0.3)
merb-auth-slice-password (1.0.3)
merb-cache (1.0.3)
merb-core (1.0.3)
merb-exceptions (1.0.3)
merb-gen (1.0.3)
merb-haml (1.0.3)
merb-helpers (1.0.3)
merb-mailer (1.0.3)
merb-more (1.0.3)
merb-param-protection (1.0.3)
merb-slices (1.0.3)
merb_datamapper (1.0.3)
mime-types (1.15)
ParseTree (3.0.2)
rack (0.4.0)
rake (0.8.3)
rspec (1.1.11)
ruby2ruby (1.2.1)
RubyInline (3.8.1)
sexp_processor (3.0.0)
sources (0.0.1)
templater (0.5.0)
thor (0.9.8)
ZenTest (3.11.0)
[Message sent by forum member 'haarts' (haarts)]