GlassFish Re-Installation Issue

From: Art Frechette <Art.Frechette_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2008 09:16:17 -0500


I am trying to re-install Glassfish via a silent install to a directory
location /opt/SUNWappserver on a linux box
where we do all our testing and I get the following:

Existing Installation Detected

Apparently an uninstall was not done to cleanly remove it.

How do I cleanup Linux box so I can re-install to this location again?
What files do I need to cleanup?


       /_____\\ \            
      /_____\ \\ /           Arthur D. Frechette
     /_____/ \/ / /          Sun Microsystems Computer Company 
    /_____/ /   \//\         1 Network Drive
    \_____\//\   / /         Burlington, MA 01803-0902
     \_____/ / /\ /          
      \_____/ \\ \           Email: arthur.frechette_at_Sun.COM
       \_____\ \\            Phone (781) 442-0466 Fax (781) 442-1610
        \_____\/             Web site...