Admin Console Unavailabe

From: <>
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2008 07:03:41 PST

[i]See environment below[/i]
The Admin console becomes unavailable after some time for no apparent reason. When the server is started the Admin Console is available and works fine. After some time it becomes unavailable again and the browser times out trying to connect. I cannot pinpoint any exception in the logs related to this event.. There are no error messages written to the log when I try to reconnect when it is down. There are no messages output at all for that matter. It is as if the app server is not even getting the call. I have not been able to check if there is anything running on my admin port at this time with netstat, but that would tell me nothing as to why the Admin Console just stops working. All other WebServices and WebApps work fine.
The only thing possible cause is we use the Admin console to deploy .ear files and then shortly afterwards we cannot access the console. I even reinstalled the server and the problem persists.
I have searched the forums for answers and I have not encountered any reason.
Advice would be great as this server has been marked for production.

[/b]Sun Java System Application Server 9.1_02 (build b04-fcs) - GF V2 UR 2 + jdk 1.6
Dowloaded bundle GlassFish/App Platform + JDK from Suns download site:
OS: Red Hat Enterprise running Virtually
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