Re: Resolving wsdlLocation via jax-ws-catalog.xml

From: <>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 23:43:21 PST

Hi Bhakti,

I filed a bug report at

On the resolving of relative URIs: The JAX-WS spec says (jaxws-2_1-mrel2-spec.pdf) in section 7.11.1 on the wsdlLocation attribute in the @WebService annotation:

[i]"Consistently with the URI resolution process in JAX-WS,when resolving the URI specified as the wsdlLocation element or any document it may transitively reference, a JAX-WS implementation MUST use the catalog facility defined in section [4.4]."[/i]

And section 4.4 again states:

[i]"In particular, every JAX-WS API argument or annotation element whose semantics is that of a WSDL location URI MUST undergo URI resolution using the catalog facility described in this section."[/i]

I am not a native English speaker but this sounds pretty strict to me. There is no exception for relative URIs mentioned. But this is probably a question Jitu is better suited to answer!?

Regards, Janko
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