GlassFish gem ver. 0.9.1
It has lots of bug fixes and performance improvements.
RubyForge Issues
22724 "asadmin" in %JRUBY_HOME\bin should be renamed to avoid
22741 JRuby on Rails on Glassfish — Unexplainable NameError
22774 Gem 0.9.0 does not work in Production on Windows with JRuby 1.4+
22793 0.9.0 gem has 'Activator start error'
22795 -p option throws BindException
22836 Glassfish gem 0.9 problems on Ubuntu and Windows
22861 Error if RAILS_GEM_VERSION isn't defined
23007 uninitialized constant Rack while creating error app
23090 Environment flag -e is not correctly used for Merb app Issues
6754 Running Typo in GlassFish Gem throws multiple exceptions
6764 "Rails" text shows up when deploying anything
6765 GlassFish Gem does not list rack as a dependency
6767 Impossible to set production environment for merb
How to use:
Simply type
glassfish in your application directory. If not
sure see help:
glassfish -h
You can see the GlassFish gem documentation at: Try it out and
send your feedbacks.