Re: How to add JAAS in WEB application

From: Nithya Subramanian <Nithya.Subramanian_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2008 12:38:41 +0530


Have you tried dropping the customized jar files into the GF/lib
directory ? Is there a specific reason why you are looking for packing
them with your war file? Could you please elucidate the steps you are
trying to create and deploy the customized JAAS module?

Nithya wrote:
> Hi
> I'm new for GlassFish. I'd like to know how to add my customized JAAS
> in my WAR to deploy into GlassFish.
> I found if i directly placed the config files in WEB-INF/classes, it
> does not take effect. Even that it makes me can not login the
> GlassFish admin console.
> This is the log from GlassFish:
> [#|2008-12-25T16:19:56.000+0800|WARNING|glassfish|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=17;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|Web
> login failed: Login failed:
> 没有为 fileRealm 配置 LoginModules|#]
> Thanks for any help