Hello Alexis,
Thank you very much for the solution.
I tried and It worked for me.
I have one more query, however it is not related to the current subject of this post:
I am trying to create a node agent using "create-node-agent" command as:
asadmin create-node-agent --host DAShostname --port DASport --user DASadminuser agentname
But it fails with following error !!!CLI001 Invalid Command, create-node-agent. Use "asadmin help" for a list of valid commands!!!
I cheked "asadmin help" and found the "create-node-agent" is not in the list. I also added cluster support for my domain[domain1] using "add Cluster Suuport" button of "Application Server" but still I am getting the same error "Invalid Command".
Any idea if I am missing something?
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