Deploy MBean to Glassfish

From: <>
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2008 00:13:34 PST


I'm trying to deploy a simple custom mbean to glassfish. According to the documentation:
"[i]After you develop a custom MBean, copy its class files (or JAR file) into the MBean class loader directory, domain-dir/applications/mbeans.[/i]"

I copy my jar file to <glassfish_home>/domains/domain1/applications/mbeans and then run the asadmin create-mbean command, but this results in:

[b]Class: some.pkg.Simple could not be loaded by findClass method.
CLI137 Command create-mbean failed.[/b]

But if a copy my classes to the mbeans dir it works fine... Why doesn't it work when I put my jar file in the mbeans dir? I'm I missing something?

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