PHP/Java bridge integration (AMP stack)

From: Siriran Sirirran <>
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2008 00:02:37 -0800 (PST)

Hi Everyone,

I actually wanted to integrate the AMP stack and wanted to integrate the PHP/Java bridge so as to call java from PHP. Unfortunately, I was not able to get to any article regarding the configuration steps to achieve this. The only thing I was able to achieve the PHP to Java communication was through installing the Tomcat/PHP/JDK and the PHP/Java bridge separately as mentioned in the following below article:

I basically was not able to achieve this either through the SAMP/LAMP or XAMPP (windows) stack. It would be great if there is any pointer on how to configure this. I know this must be achievable through the PHP/Java bridge. but was unable to find any pointers on Google on how this can be configured.

Could you please send me the configuration steps needed to integrate the PHP/Java bridge through the SAMP/LAMP or XAMPP stack? After testing this, I will compile my efforts and post this as a blog so that other users can go through this easily.

BTW, the prime reason for me to accomplish this is to call the Sun Access Manager interfaces through PHP.

Thanks in advance and really appreciate your co-operation.
