Re: Glassfish v3, port 80, & Authbind

From: Bill Kocik <>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 15:14:00 -0500

On 12 Nov, 2008, at 2:40 PM, wrote:

> Thanks for doing that research. So does anybody know if there is a
> preferred way to run glassfish on port 80 without being root?

I don't think you're going to find it to be possible. The operating
system enforces the policy that only uid 0 can bind to a port below
1024. This is standard in Unix and Unix clones. Apache gets around
this by binding to port 80 as root, and then switching to its
configured user and group; in order to do this, it still has to be
started with root privileges. I haven't seen anything in the GlassFish
documentation to suggest that it can do this.

Bill Kocik