Re: IllegalArgumentException: "timers" / OldTypesBase.oldObjectNameToJ2EEType

From: Marina Vatkina <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 12:00:19 -0800

Did you check JavaEE 5 Tutorial for examples?


jsexton0 wrote:
> Hi -
> Actually I have two problems with this effort. My second question is
> probably much simpler.
> 1) Created an EJB in an EJB project
> 2) Created a servlet in a web application project
> 3) created an enterprise application project and added both of the above
> 4) In the servlet, used the wizard to add a reference to the EJB:
> @EJB
> private EJBTimerBean eJBTimerBean;
> 5) Deployed the enterprise application and exercised code to access the
> above EJB ref. But the EJB is not available, even though the war and the
> jar are both in the ear file together.
> javax.naming.NameNotFoundException:
> com.iwsinc.cms.ebj.EJBTimerBean#com.iwsinc.cms.ebj.EJBTimerBean not found
> What other step is required?
> Thank you!
> Thanks
> jsexton0 wrote:
>>Hello -
>>Sorry, I was using the web forum and forgot that it's a mailing list.
>>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: "timers"