"asadmin monitor" question

From: <>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:59:26 PST

I am not getting output for my monitoring command. I have a load test running -- hitting port 8080.
Why don't I see any values/updates? (typing "h" gives me the header, so the asadmin command seems to be valid) Thanks.

#>: ./asadmin monitor --user admin --passwordfile /opt/SUNWappserver/appserver/bin/.pwd --host --port 4848 --type connectionqueue --interval 10 server
               Connection Queue Monitoring
of que 15a 1a 5a tcon tque id mque pque
Press 'q' or 'Q' to quit.
* of = Number of times the queue has been too full to accommodate a connection *
* que = Number of connections currently in the queue *
* 15a = Average number of connections queued in the last 15 minutes *
* 1a = Average number of connections queued in the last 1 minute *
* 5a = Average number of connections queued in the last 5 minutes *
* tcon = Total number of connections that have been accepted *
* tque = Total number of connections that have been queued *
* id = Virtual Server ID *
* mque = Maximum size of the connection queue *
* pque = Largest number of connections that were in the queue simultaneously *
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