Who is putting the Header in the soap message

From: Mauro Almeida <>
Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2008 07:24:35 -0700

Here is a brief description.


I have A WS client and server. If the client and server are running in the same machine. They work great.

(Sailfin b59 on linux with java6 32bits)


The soap message received by the server is:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">



        <ns2:init xmlns:ns2="">







Now if a run the server in a remote box. It does not work. And the server receives a soap message with the following header.

So it basically fails.

(Client - Sailfin b59 on linux with java6 32bits)

(Server - glassfish on AIX with java5 64bits)



<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">


        <CoordinationContext xmlns="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns2="" ns3:mustUnderstand="true">






                    <jaxws:objectId xmlns:jaxws="" xmlns:wsa="">3dabbfc6-e916-4fca-8c33-271231cdd989</jaxws:objectId>






        <ns2:init xmlns:ns2="">







Finally, I've seen this behavior with the WS Testing tool as well. Sometimes the message sent would contain the header, ( and it would fail)... Sometimes it would contain the header and it works...


Thanks !!!



Mauro Almeida <>