Re: GlassFishV2 Cluster Non-Serializable Attribute Name [Ref, PWC2788: setAttribute: Non-serializable attribute]

From: Lloyd Chambers <Lloyd.Chambers_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 10:38:50 -0700

The log message is created when
org.apache.catalina.session.setAttribute() is called; a series of
checks is made; none of these emit the Attribute name. This is the one
in question:

         if ((manager != null)
                     && manager.getDistributable()
                     && !isSerializable(value)) {
                     throw new IllegalArgumentException

I don't know how the code could be "shared" here; it's a simple fix,
but one the web team will have to take up.

Isn't the object being bound something your app is doing? What about
using a debugger to set a breakpoint there?


On Oct 27, 2008, at 9:41 PM, Satyajit Tripathi wrote:

> Hi there,
> We have created a GlassFish V2 UR2 cluster with two instances on the
> same machine and deployed a JavaEE application. After successful
> login to the app we observed the following Error in the server log
> file
> ______________________________________________
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: PWC2788: setAttribute: Non-
> serializable attribute
> ______________________________________________
> Question is : Is there a way in "GlassFish V2 UR2" to find out the
> name of the Attribute which is causing the issue and is not
> serializable ? We understand that there is a fix incorporated in
> GlassFish V3 which will print the Attribute name. Also, recently
> JLuehe provided a jar file to incoporate in GlassFish V2.1.
> Can you please share the code for GlassFish V2 UR2 which will print
> the Attribute name ?
> Thanks & regards
> --Satya
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