Custom Resources and V3

From: Nick Stuart <>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 10:58:19 -0400

(this is all done using latest 28c unix build running Java(TM) SE Runtime
Environment (build 1.6.0_10-b33))

A couple questions while I am trying to test our apps on v3 to see if there
are going to be any major hurdles to upgrade when we can. Basically, whats
up with all the custom resource stuff missing out of the Admin Console? Used
to be under "Resources -> JNDI -> Custom Resources" but now almost
everything under Resources is missing but JDBC.

Ok, so next up I'll try to add it via an xml file, but that fails too. And
it fails with out telling me why it failed, just that it did. Nothing in the
server.log about why or anything on the console. I know it sees the file
because I had a typo in it at first and it complained (but only in the
server.log and not to the console which would have handy).

Ok, so now I'll try with using 'add-custom-resource'. Here is the exact
command I used for that, but it still fails with some odd error message that
doesn't help at all:

*asadmin create-custom-resource --port 4850 --restype
org.apach.jackrabbit.jndi.BindableRepository --factoryclass
org.apach.jackrabbit.core.jndi.BindableRepositoryFactory jcr/FileRepository*

With the result being this spit out on the console:

*invalid stream header: 3C21444F
CLI137 Command create-custom-resource failed.

So now I'm stuck and can't even try to deploy our apps. Any ideas or
suggestions here? And I would like to make the suggestion the custom
resources are put back in the console for ease of use. Not even so much for
adding, as that should be easy enough to do for config, but even just
checking their properties and setup and maintenence.

Thanks for the help!

