Help with scripting install (need to avoid license popup)

From: Chris Desmarais (Contractor) <"Chris>
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 16:47:17 -0600

I'm working on a script to configure some servers. Installing glassfish
is going to take place about 20 minutes into the script, so its hurting
my script that my scripts hangs until the user accepts the license
agreement manually. I really would like to remove user interaction from
my installation scripts, the script under ideal circumstances is going
to take about 4 hours.
Is there someway for me to automate the acceptance of the license
agreement when I run
java -Xmx256m -jar filename.jar
A configuration file? A command line argument? I am certainly willing to
accept the license agreement and provide proof to the code that the
agreement is acceptable. I just can't have it requiring user
Surely there must be something without having to go into the code and
try to snip out the popup.
Any ideas?