Re: Stateful web service injection not working

From: Vineet Miharia <>
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2008 18:05:50 -0400

Hi David,

Did you ever find the solution to your problem ?
On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 12:36 PM, David Pérez Villanueva <> wrote:

> Hi again,
> it isn't a bug referred to EJBs. I'm creating a Stateful Web Service
> following this user guide:
> Here is the expanation:
> ------------------------------------
> Application service implementation classes (or providers) who'd like to use
> the stateful web service support must declare @Stateful annotation on a
> class. It should also have a *public static* method/field that takes
> StatefulWebServiceManager.
> @Stateful @WebService @Addressing
> class BankAccount {
> protected final int id;
> private int balance;
> Account(int id) { = id; }
> @WebMethod
> public synchronized void deposit(int amount) { balance+=amount; }
> // either via a public static field
> public static StatefulWebServiceManager<BankAccount> manager;
> // ... or via a public static method (the method name could be
> anything)
> public static void setManager(StatefulWebServiceManager<BankAccount>
> manager) {
> ...
> }
> }
> After your service is deployed but before you receive a first request, the
> resource injection occurs on the field or the method.
> ----------------------------------------
> The problem is that resource injection is not occurring and when you try to
> get the EndPointReference from a non Stateful Web Service, a
> NullPointerException occurs when you try to exec
> BankAccount.manager.export(XXXX);
> I found this issue
> but it's closed
> in January 2007.
> Thanks,
> David Pérez.
> escribió:
> Hi David
>> To change a ejb from Stateless to Stateful you have only to change the
>> annotation just before the bean.
>> I thought I had already write this code in this thread, but I cannot find
>> it now.
>> You need an remote interface:
>> @Remote
>> public interface IfRemoteService{
>> ...
>> }
>> Then a session bean implementing that interface, be stateless or stateful,
>> and the attribute mappedName for you to control the name of that EJB
>> @State... (mappedName="myFavouriteEJB")
>> class BankingMortgageBean implements IfRemoteService[
>> ...
>> }
>> and then in your client code you only need this
>> IfRemoteService remoteReference =
>> (IfRemoteService)InitialContext.doLookup("myFavouriteEJB");
>> The state nature of the bean has nothing to do with JNDI.
>> You can browse GF JNDI using the admin console: Application Server | JNDI
>> Browsing.
>> Aniceto Perez
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