WEbinar tomorrow (Thursday), 11:15 am PT - Many Languages, One Machine - the JVM Language Summit

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2008 17:29:39 -0700

Tomorrow (Thursday, October 16th), at 11:15pm PT, we will have an online
webinar on the recent JVM Language Summit, focusing on the ability of
the JVM to support multiple languages.

John Rose will be in SCA14, in Pirates of the Caribbean, and we will
also broadcast through

Scripting Language support is a key part of the GlassFish Server value
proposition, starting iwth GFv2 and accelerating through GFv3. Consider
joining us.

You can attend
  - In person in SCA14, Pirates
  - Online via
  - By concall at
Toll Free: (866) 545-5227
Int'l Access: (215) 446-3648 (caller paid)
Access Code: 3535518

Additional details at

        - eduard/o